Note: EDNova Academy is not responsible for lost or stolen cash, jewelry, valuables, electronic devices, including but not limited to cell phones, I-pods, and headphones. Please leave as many personal and valuable items at home as possible.


EDNova Academy expects students to perform to the best of their ability. Students are expected to focus and commit to their learning. Instructors will evaluate student progress on a regular basis. Students will be given quizzes or tests regularly. Progress will be communicated to parents at our bi-annual parents conference.



  • Excellent attendance, punctuality, effort, and respect are required for success.
  • All students and staff will use appropriate and courteous language with each other at all times.
  • Chewing gum is not permitted in the Academy premise at any time.
  • Damage of any kind must be reported immediately to a staff member. In the case of willful damage or negligence, students will be expected to contribute part or all of the cost of repair.
  • All articles of clothing, shoes, books, bags and other personal property should be clearly marked with the owner’s name.
  • Students are expected to pick up after themselves.
  • Students are expected to keep their hands clean and take care of personal hygiene in the rest room.
  • If a student is too ill to remain in school, a parent/guardian will be expected to pick him/her up. The student must be officially signed out.



The Academy adapted a sign in/out log sheet to track students’ attendance. When a student is released to a parent or authorized pick-up person during Academy hours, that adult must registered the time of release.

  • Parents must submit the name of the authorized pick-up person to EDNova Academy prior to pick-up. For a prearranged appointment when the student is released, the parent, guardian, or approved adult must check out through the log sheet. (Please note: only the Head of the Academy may approve the release of a student for a prearranged appointment.)
  • To avoid confusion and unnecessary debate of check out time, the door at EDNova Academy will be locked at 6:00 pm. Students’ sign out time is based on the time as the parent or pick-up person walked into EDNova Academy. NO EXCEPTIONS. The academy will NOT entertain any debate due to forgetfulness or overseeing the checkout process set forth by the academy on the parents lack of compliance. Late pick-up fee, if applicable, will be charged accordingly.



Students at EDNova Academy are encouraged to dress for success.  Students should wear clothing that is appropriate for learning.  Students are expected to be clean-groomed and hair must be kept clean and tidy at all times. Please note that tube tops, tops with spaghetti straps, and sagging pants are prohibited.  Students found wearing inappropriate clothing will be asked to change into appropriate clothing or they may be sent home.  Parents will be notified if a child comes to the Academy consistently in an unkempt manner. If no improvement is noticed within a reasonable amount of time, an appointment with the parents and with the office will be made by school officials. 



EDNova Academy is a place of learning; therefore, there must be an atmosphere based on mutual respect. All students should demonstrate a desire to get the best education possible. We expect students to adhere to the following behavior code:

  • Be courteous
  • Exercise kindness and empathy
  • Respect the property, rights, and feelings of others
  • Respect school property at all times
  • Avoid confrontations, fighting, and profanity
  • Vandalism, bullying, inappropriate body contact, and harassment will not be tolerated



Students are expected to be in class on time, and to demonstrate courteous behavior so that each individual’s rights are respected and everyone can learn in an orderly environment.  Teachers will discuss and review classroom rules at the beginning of the school year, and will continue to implement them throughout the year.

  • Raise your hand before speaking
  • Listen to others and participate in class discussions
  • Stay on task and do your class assignments
  • Listen to directions
  • Cooperate with your group
  • Leave other people’s materials alone
  • Do not interrupt other students’ learning
  • Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself
  • Don’t write or carve on the desks or school property
  • Treat computers with care



Students are encouraged to participate in field trips and workshops put forth by the Academy. Participation in these activities is a privilege. It is the expectation of this Academy that student behavior is exemplary when participating in field trips and workshops.  A student always represents his or her parents and the EDNova Academy when at such activities. Thus, in order to participate in extracurricular activities, students must model acceptable behavior both during the school day and during the selected activity. Failure to meet academic or behavioral requirements will result in the student’s suspension or dismissal from the activity. Participation in these activities requires a commitment of both student and parent. Attendance will be taken at each activity to determine a student’s participation. In individual cases regarding participation in extracurricular activities, the Head of the Academy holds the final determination.



Students are not permitted to use electronic games, toys, headphones, or cellular phones during class time. If a student uses any electronic devices during class time and/or inappropriately during break time that contravenes with the Academy’s policy, he/she will be sanctioned accordingly. Electronic devices will be confiscated and returned to parents at pick up.



Your student’s learning is our first priority at the Academy. Since, as parents, you are the child’s first teachers, you are our partners in education.  Therefore, regular communication with you is an essential part of your child’s Academy experience.  Scheduled parent conferences allow teachers and parents to discuss student achievement as well as to develop means to assist students in areas of difficulty.  A parent may request a meeting with an instructor at any time by simply sending a note to the instructor in question and the instructor will arrange a meeting at a mutually convenient time outside class time.  Under certain situations, an instructor might request a meeting with a parent to discuss student’s progress or behavior. Parents are expected to arrange a mutually convenient time to meet with the instructor as soon as possible. Parents who refused such meetings will be referred to the Head of the Academy for further action. The administration handles such matters in a variety of ways depending on the severity of the incident.

While most parents find our approach to discipline to be very favorable, there are instances when a child breaks a rule and must suffer the consequences of his or her action.  It is then that a parent may attempt to debate the fairness of the Academy policy or make excuses for the child’s misbehavior.  The administration of this Academy does not engage in debates with parents about our rules and regulations, nor can it be supportive of parents who are interfering with a child’s growth in accepting personal responsibility for his or her actions.  By enrolling a child in this school the parent agrees to be supportive of the rules and regulations that we deem as critical in the spiritual, academic, and behavioral growth of the child.


Note: This list is not all inclusive – EDNova Academy Administrators will use their discretion in deciding what disrupts the educational environment.